August 13, 2021 | by Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner | NCNW National Chaplain and President of Skinner Leadership Institute
Oh Lord, our God, your name is excellent, and your word is truth. Your word in John 8:32 says, “you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.“ Forgive us, O God, for the lying spirit that has taken root in the hearts, minds, and spirits of too many leaders in high places and their followers. Have mercy on us, O God, according to your loving-kindness; please blot out our transgressions through your tender mercy.

By your mighty power and amazing grace, you have allowed American democracy to be sustained for 245 years since the Declaration of Independence. Though imperfect and fragile, our democracy has been upheld on the universally accepted premise that the person with the largest number of votes in an election for any office is the winner; and assumes that office. But God, a lying spirit, entered the heart of the loser of the last very close presidential election. Trumpeting that lie that the loser had won has deeply divided our nation. And now, eight months into a new presidential administration, that lying spirit, conspiracy theories, and lawlessness have spread like wildfire, from the loser to intensely loyal supporters with no basis in truth.
Lord, you promise to be near to all who call on you in truth. May the truth of our democracy that we have one President at a time set our nation free of the lying spirit. May the truth of the American system of government sustained by majority vote in free, fair, and safe elections prevail. May our divided nation forever stand strong against every wicked plot, scheme, and plan to create a democracy for the few and not the many. And, may you raise up leaders who live, speak, and rule in your spirit of truth for the benefit of all Americans. In your mighty name, we pray, Lord Jesus. AMEN!