February 1, 2021 | Prayer by Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner | NCNW National Chaplain and President of Skinner Leadership Institute
Dear God, your word says of us, “You are the light of the world” at a time when our world seems darkest, our divisions deeper, and our despair higher. Help me, Lord, to look to the hills where my help comes from, past our fragile human condition, to be the agent of change you called me to be. Give me new eyes to see that you alone are from everlasting to everlasting and that no evil scheme, plot, or plan to divide our nation’s people can withstand your mighty power. Today, O God, infuse me with the courage to move out of my comfort zone to places where poverty, despair, disease, bigotry, and alienation reigns. May the light of your infinite love shine brightly through me in the darkness.
Awaken my fearful heart, O Mighty God, by your question to the prophet Isaiah, “Whom shall I send and who will go for us?"(Isaiah 6:8) May eternal gratitude for how you reached down one day into the pit of my darkness to redeem my life move me to step up and shout out, “here am I, Lord,
send me!”
Send me – to be a Gracist; drawing from your boundless well of amazing grace to combat the evil acts of racists.
Send me – to reach out to White Christians brazenly displaying American and Confederate flags, seeking to overthrow our government and block People of Color's vote and voice.
Send me – to build bridges of communication and mutual respect with those seeking to cancel the future and hopes of those who look like me, even as I fight relentlessly for justice.
In the midst of America's dark night of the soul, help me, O Lord, to remain vigilant pursuing a high-quality life for Americans of every race and background, now besieged with growing poverty, racism, disease, and despair. In your loving presence, my soul cries out, "here am I Lord, send me!” In the mighty and matchless name of Jesus, I pray. AMEN