September 29, 2021 | by Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner | | NCNW National Chaplain and President of Skinner Leadership Institute
God of our weary years and our silent tears, we come before you as Merciful Sustainer, Compassionate Redeemer, and Loving Savior on behalf of wounded and maltreated Haitians seeking asylum in America. Lord, we know that your ears always hear the cries, and your eyes always see the needs of desperate refugees seeking a better life in our land. Hebrew 13.2 reminds us that you will judge nations by the way they treat immigrants and refugees: “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing, some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”

We pray, as well, for Haiti, a nation devastated by natural disasters, neglectful leaders, gang terror, systemic poverty, and a nonfunctional government causing so many Haitians to flee. So, we praise you for faith organizations worldwide extending humanitarian aid to Haitians as acts of love and mercy.
Lord, Black Americans and people of conscience everywhere were recently traumatized by viral images of fair-skinned border patrol officers mounted on horseback lashing reins as whips at Haitian refugees as if they were runaway slaves. With stomachs turned at these despicable images, we pray your mercy for our wealthy nation filled with leaders who believe our shores should not welcome more people of color, especially those from Haiti. While our government swiftly removed thousands of Haitians from under a Texas bridge, we pray right now for the removal of longstanding inhumane and unjust immigration policies impacting people of color. Whether acting out of malice or neglect of past administrations, we pray that our government would end Haitian deportations and uphold the domestic and international legal obligation to asylum rights and the highest standards of refugee laws.
O Lord, our God, our human courts, and government policies have too long co-signed discriminatory refugee policies and practices based on the immigrant’s skin color. So, we appeal to you as the Chief Justice of Heaven’s High Court to move on the hearts of our leaders to enact humane and just refugee policies that bring glory to your mighty and magnificent name, Lord Jesus, Amen!